For many of the UK shore anglers there’s only one fish that really gets us all congregating on cold windy shorelines throughout the winter, and that’s the Cod.
We seem happy to spend hours staring at motionless rod tips with the rain or sleet lashing down into our faces, just for that one chance that a big hungry Cod will pick up our bait. We’ll stay out all night if that’s what it takes, wearing thermal layers and expensive waterproofs to keep us warm and dry.
Month: June 2016
Cod Fishing part 2
How often have you fished right next to someone and all they seem to do is pull in cod after cod, yet you cannot get a bite. You might even walk over to have a “nosey chat” with them, and enquire as to what bait, rig & method they are using. And quite often you here that they’re using similar bait, the same rig and even the same rod as you are!! How frustrating is that!!??
But delve a little deeper and you’ll often find that there are in fact subtle differences in the way they rig their baits, the way they set their lead into the tide, the way they notice the bites amongst the windy rod rattles and so in. in fact it’s the subtle differences that often set the better anglers apart from the average anglers. And when you make lots of subtle differences it can amount to a big difference, and the difference between success and failure.
Cod Fishing part 3
One thing you have to remember when you stare at that photo of that massive cod, is that the captor didn’t simply step off of the plane in Norway, find somewhere that looked fishy, and simply proceed to catch that fish in an instant! Even in Norway, with the all important local knowledge and the right equipment and methods, it’s still a question of putting the hours in.
Deepwater Fishing part 1 , where it all began.
Deep water shore fishing – How I got hooked. By Phill Hambrook
A whole Bluey bait and 8oz lead left a big splash and the usual Bluey oil slick about 80 yards out in front of me. I held the rod straight out and played out line from the large fixed spool trying not to let it bow too much in the cross wind. The bait finally settled on the bottom after what seemed like an age had gone by. It actually took four and a half minutes. Continue reading
Deepwater Fishing part 2, settling the score
Deepwater fishing from the shore – What to expect and what you might catch, By Phill Hambrook
Well a lot’s happened since that fateful day with Phill and the lost monster from the deep, but one thing has remained constant over all this time. I’ve had a distinct lean towards the deeper marks and the fish they hold. Continue reading
Saltstraumen Winter 2016 Roundup
What an amazing season it’s been. We’ve cooked dozens of breakfasts, driven hundreds of miles and broken 2 more shore records!
At the start of January we were greeted by cold Arctic conditions. We had Continue reading